PIXEL.DrawShadowText( string text, string font, number x, number y, color color, number xAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, number yAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, number depth, number alpha = 50 )
This method will resolve fonts registered with PIXEL UI. See PIXEL.RegisterFont or PIXEL.RegisterFontUnscaled for more information.
Draws text with the specified attributes and applies a shadow effect.
string text
The text to draw.
string font
The identifier of the font to use.
number x
The X coordinate to draw at.
number y
The Y coordinate to draw at.
color color
The color of the text.
number xAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT
The horizontal alignment.
number yAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOP
The vertical alignment.
number depth
The size of the shadow.
number alpha = 50
The transparency of the shadow.