⚠️ This site is under development, some artefacts may be missing or incomplete.


The configuration file for PIXEL UI can be found at the following location:

Derma Menus

The default derma menus (message, query and string request popups) can be overridden by PIXEL UI with the OverrideDermaMenus option. This option is disabled out of the box to avoid compatability issues, however the server owner can enable it if preferred. There are four possible options for this setting:

  1. Players are forced to use the default derma menus. (Default)
  2. The default menus are used, however players can opt in to the PIXEL UI overrides.
  3. The PIXEL UI overrides are used, however players can opt out.
  4. Players are forced to use the PIXEL UI overrides.

When OverrideDermaMenus is set to option 2 or 3, the pixel_ui_override_popups convar will take effect. This convar can be set to 0 or 1, which enables or disables the overrides respectively.

Progress Wheel

The progress wheel which PIXEL UI presents during asset downloads can be changed to the server owner's preference with the ProgressImageURL setting. By default the value is set to https://pixel-cdn.lythium.dev/i/47qh6kjjh (opens in a new tab), which is the image seen below:

Progress Wheel

Color Scheme

The color scheme of PIXEL UI can be modified under the Colors setting. By default, the values are set to the following:


Color(22, 22, 22)


Color(28, 28, 28)


Color(61, 61, 61)

Primary Text

Color(255, 255, 255)

Secondary Text

Color(220, 220, 220)

Disabled Text

Color(40, 40, 40)


Color(47, 128, 200)


Color(180, 180, 180)


Color(66, 134, 50)


Color(164, 50, 50)


Color(214, 174, 34)


Color(192, 192, 192)


Color(145, 94, 49)

The color scheme can be modified with no limitation. However, some elements and third party addons may not be compatible. Addon developers are encouraged to use the color palette when developing with PIXEL UI in order to reflect the server owner's preferences.